How to change the network subnet on the Insty Router.
1.) Go to Advanced Config (geeky) and enter your router password.
2.) On the left hand menu, choose Network -> Interfaces
3.) On the LAN interface, click 'Edit'
4.) Change the IPv4 Address to the new IP subnet that you would like to use. The Insty Connect uses the subnet.
5.) Click 'Save'
6.) Click 'Save and Apply'
7.) * NOTE * The system will attempt to change the IP address, but the router has a fail safe that will roll back the settings if you don't reach the router on the new IP address in less than 60 seconds.
To force the change of subnet, click the 'Apply Unchecked' button when you see this message:
8.) You will need to now visit the router on the NEW ip that you set above. NOTE - the http://my.insty shortcut may not work if you change the subnet.
Your computer may need to be rebooted in order to pick up the new IP address from the router as well.