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    Insty.ssl - The easy way to secure your websites!

    Insty is proud to introduce Insty.ssl!

    We have taken the hard work out of securing your websites with SSL certificates.  Now, for a low monthly fee, Insty can automatically generate, install, and maintain your sites SSL certificates!

    Insty.ssl will automatically install Domain Verfication (DV) ssl certificates in any domain that is active in your account and on the internet.  

    For example, if you have:

    • as your main domain

    Insty.ssl will scan your account and find all of these domains.  It will then scan the internet to make sure these domains are live. (If the domain expired or there is no content on the domain, it will not generate an SSL).

    If the domain is live, Insty.ssl will automatically generate the CSR, automatically verify the domain, and automatically install the SSL certificate.

    Installation usually takes a few hours from the start of the scan (or from the time when you purchase Insty.ssl).  It can take up to 48 hours to complete.

    Purchasing SSL certificates have always been a pain, which is why Insty.ssl is exciting.  Not only will it automatically install the certs, it will scan daily to make sure it stays valid and up to date.  When it's time to renew, the system will automatically do it for you!

    To get started with Insty.ssl, click the link below to visit the addon:

    • 21 Users Found This Useful

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