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    Giving your outsourcer, developer or designer account access

    if you are needing to give an outsourcer, developer or designer access to your account, please read this article.

    You want to be sure you are giving the right access to your developer if they need to access your account.  

    Ask the worker what level of access they will need to your account, and choose the correct access from the list below:

    - File Access Only  - FTP access would suffice
    - File and Database access - cPanel access would be needed
    - WP Site Only Access - a Wordpress user could suffice.  

    FTP Access:

    To give FTP access, please read and follow the directions within this KB article:

    cPanel Access:

    Usually cPanel access is the easiest way to give access to a developer who needs to work with your files and databases.  NOTE* cPanel access will give the worker access to all points within your hosting account (files, emails, etc), so be sure you trust the user that you are giving access to.

    We recommend changing your password to a strong, temporary password before giving it to the worker, and then changing the password when access is no longer needed.

    To change your cPanel password, use this KB article:

    Be sure to write down what you've changed your password to, and send that password to your worker.  Use the technical information found in your Insty Welcome Email for your cPanel URL and username.  If you lost your welcome email, you can shoot us a message in the help desk and we can have that re-sent to you.

    Wordpress Access:

    If your outsourcer or designer only needs access to the Wordpress site, you can create a new WP user and send that information to the worker.  Please see this KB article for more information:

    *NOTE - You should never give out your Insty Client area password to any worker.  

    If you have any questions concerning giving access to a worker, please feel free to drop us a line at support and we'll be glad to help.

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