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    How to change the version of PHP you are using

    You can easily change your PHP version from inside your cPanel.

    1.) Under Software and Services, find the "Select PHP Version Icon"

    2.) You will see a drop down menu for the available PHP Versions.  Select the PHP version that you would like to change to.

    * NOTE - At this time, it is not recommended to use a PHP version newer than PHP 5.5, or older than PHP 5.3

    3.) Once changed, click the "Set as Current" button.  You will notice a bunch of checkboxes below.  This is to select different extensions.  You can leave these as default.

    4.) Click on the "Switch to PHP Settings"

    5.) Make any changes to the PHP settings that you need. 

    If you have any questions in regards to your PHP settings, please feel free to contact support by phone or ticket using the help page on our website.

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